Seed Seminar

Theoretical Physics

Kramers-wannier Duality in Non-abelian Ising Models from SymTFT


Nafiz Ishtiaque

on  December-4-2024, 12:00 ! Livein  New trends in QFT, modularity, resurgencefor  60min

I will present a concrete construction of 2d Ising partition functions on lattice, with non-abelian (more generally non-invertible) global symmetry. The construction realizes the Ising model as the boundary theory of a 3d symmetry topological field theory (SymTFT) with specific boundary conditions. Suitable choices of boundary conditions correspond to going to different topological sectors of the global symmetry or gauging arbitrary non-anomalous subsymmetry. Electric-magnetic type duality of the SymTFT results in dual descriptions of the Ising model that generalizes the Kramers-Wannier duality of Z/2Z symmetric Ising models.

 All talks  Winter '25: Random geometry and quantum gravity