Seed Seminar

Theoretical Physics

Generalization of the Nambu-Goldstone theorem


Yoshimasa Hidaka

on  Dec-14-2021, 12:00 ! Livein  Season 1for  60min

Symmetry and its spontaneous breaking are basic concepts in modern physics. When a continuum symmetry is spontaneously broken, there appears a gapless mode called the Nambu-Goldstone (NG) mode, which is developed in a Lorentz invariant system, and is known as the Nambu-Goldstone theorem. In this talk, we discuss the generalization of the Nambu-Goldstone theorem to various systems: a non-relativistic system, a system with higher-form symmetries, and open classical and quantum systems. We will show that there also appears an NG mode in these systems when symmetry is spontaneously broken.

Spontaneous symmetry breaking, higher form symmetry, open system.

 All talks  Winter '25: Random geometry and quantum gravity