Seed Seminar

Theoretical Physics

Degenerate conformal blocks for the \( W_3 \) algebra at \( c=2\) and Specht polynomials


Julien Roussillon

on  May-9-2024, 10:00 ! Livein  Integrable systemsfor  60min

In this first talk, I will provide a gentle introduction to Conformal Field Theory and conformal blocks in general, and I will discuss the case where they satisfy a system of PDEs known as BPZ equations. Then, I will focus on a special case where the PDEs are third order, and I will present new solutions in terms of the celebrated Specht polynomials. If time permits, I will describe a conjecture relating such solutions to scaling limits of probabilities in the triple dimer model recently constructed by Kenyon and Shi. This talk is based on joint work with Augustin Lafay.

 All talks  Winter '25: Random geometry and quantum gravity