Charged moments & symmetry-resolved entanglement in two-dimensional free conformal field theories
byGiuseppe Di Giulio
Abstract:Recently, there has been an intense research activity on the interplay between symmetries and entanglement in many-body quantum systems, exploiting the block-diagonal structure of the reduced density matrix (RDM) in each charge sector. This talk aims to present results on the symmetry resolution of the entanglement in two-dimensional conformal field theories. In this context, helpful quantities are the charged moments and their generalization to multi-charged moments, which are propedeutic to the computation of symmetry-resolved entanglement entropies and mutual information. These quantities can be seen as partition functions on multi-sheeted Riemann surfaces and can be computed through suitable correlation functions. I will present their computation for a massless Dirac field theory and a massless compact boson. In the former case, the calculation is reduced to correlation functions of vertex operators on the complex plane. I will discuss why this method cannot be applied in the latter example, thus making necessary computing correlation functions on surfaces with arbitrary genus.