Seed Seminar

Theoretical Physics

Quantum Anomalies and Matter


Karl Landsteiner

on  June-07-2022, 14:00 ! Livein  Season 1for  60min

Massless fermions possess chiral symmetries on the classical level. These symmetries are however broken by quantum effects. In particle physics they lead to the decay of the neutral pion and to important consistency constraints on chiral gauge theories such as the standard model. Anomalies also have important consequences at finite temperature and finite density. they lead then to new transport effects, the chiral magnetic and chiral vortical effects. I will review the theory of anomaly induced transport, its application to condensed matter and high energy physics, and give an outlook on recent developments.

Anomalies, Transport, Hydrodynamics, Chiral Magnetic Effect.

 All talks  Winter '25: Random geometry and quantum gravity